Selasa, 06 Maret 2012


sambil nunggu n' bantuin temen ngerjain tugas iseng-iseng masukin tugasnya hehehehe.........
ni.... contoh naskah drama putri salju sama terjemahan bahasa inggrisnya

Di sebuah kerajaan ada seorang Putri yang sangat cantik, ia tinggal bersama Ratu, yaitu ibu tirinya. Karena kecantikan sang Putri, Sang Ratu sangat iri pada kecantikan sang Putri, ia pun melakukan berbagai cara agar ia bias cantik mengalahkan kecantikan Sang Putri. Ia pun selalu bertanya kepada cermin ajaib siapa yang paling cantik di dunia.
Ratu :”Wahai cermin ajaib….!! Siapa yang paling cantik di dunia ini ?”
Cermin Ajaib :”Yang cantik di dunia ini hanyalah Putri Salju.”
Ratu :”Apa…?? Putri Salju ? Aku harus menyingkirkan Putri Salju.
Pengawal…..!! Pengawal….!!”
Pengawal :”Saya menghadap, Ratu.”
Ratu :”Bunuh Putri Salju !”
Pengawal :”Tapi, Ratu. Aku ntidak bias melakukan itu, bagaimana
                     mungkin aku membunuh Sang Putri.”
Ratu :”Cepat lakukan ! Atau kau yang aku bunuh !”
Pengawal :”Baik, Ratu. Saya laksanakan.”
          Kemudian pengawal membawa Sang Putri ke hutan. Tapi dia tidak tega membunuh sang Putri.
Pengawal :”Putri, aku disuruh membunuhmu oleh Ratu, tapi aku tidak tega membunuhmu. Sekarang lebih baik kau pergi jauh dari istana.”
Putri :”Baiklah ! Terima kasih karena kau tidak membunuhku !”
Kemudian Putri pun pergi jauh ke sebuah hutan. Di hutan, ia menemukan gubuk kecil dan ia pun memasuki gubuk tersebut. Ia merasa aneh karena melihat barang-barang di sana serba kecil. Setelah beberapa lama, datanglah penghuni rumah tersebut, mereka adalah para kurcaci.
Kurcaci 1 :”Hah..?? Itu siapa…?? Besar sekali…!!”
Kurcaci 2 :”Aku tidak tahu.”
Kurcaci 3 :”Lebih baik, kita dekati dia.”
Kurcaci 1 :”Kamu siapa?”
Putri :”Aku Putri Salju, kalian yang punya rumah ini ? ma’af karena aku
             lancang masuk.”
Kurcaci 2 :”Kenapa kamu bias sampai di sini ?”
Putri :”Aku pergi dari istana karena aku ingin dibunuh oleh Ratu, karena
             Ratu iri akan kecantikanku.”
Kurcaci 3 :”Wah, tega sekali.”
Putri :”Bolehkah aku tinggal di sini ?”
Kurcaci 2 :”Tentu saja boleh.”
          Sementara itu Ratu bertanya kepada cermin ajaib seperti biasanya. Ia menyangka bahwa dirinyalah yang paling cantik, karena ia berfikir bahwa Putri Salju sudah meninggal dibunuh oleh Pengawal yang ia suruh.
Ratu :”Wahai cermin ajaib..! Siapakah yang paling cantik di dunia ini ?”
Cermin ajaib :”Yang cantik di dunia ini hanyalah Putri Salju.”
Ratu :”Apa…?? Masih Putri Salju ? padahal dia sudah aku bunuh. Aku
             harus melakukan sesuatu.”
          Ratu segera mengambil apel dan apel tersebut ia beri racun untuk diberikan kepada Putri Salju agar Putri Salju meninggal. Dan Ratu mengubah dirinya menjadi nenek-nenek agar saat memberikan apel tersebut, Putri Salju tidak mengenalinya. Ratu pun segera pergi ke hutan untuk mencari Putri Salju. Setelah beberapa lama ia mencari, akhirnya ia menemukan Putri Salju yang sedang asyik menyapu di halaman gubuk para kurcaci.
Ratu :”Nak, cucuku cobalah apel nenek ini. Rasanya pasti sangat manis seperti dirimu.”
Putri Salju :”Ma’af nek. Tapi saya sudah kenyang.”
Ratu :”Ayolah cucuku, cobalah sedikit saja.”
                     Karena merasa kasihan kepada nenek yang sudah tua tersebut, Putri Salju menerima buah apel tersebut dan langsung memakannya.
Putri Salju :”Baiklah nek, aku akan mencicipinya.”
Tiba-tiba Putri Salju meninggal dan tergeletak di lantai.
Ratu :”Haha……. Akhirnya aku yang paling cantik di dunia ini.”
          Kemudian ratu pun kembali ke istana. Saat kurcaci pulang ke rumah, mereka kaget melihat Sang Putri tergeletak di lantai. Mereka langsung menangis saat tahu Sang Putri sudah meninggal. Tak lama kemudian Pangeran dating mencari Sang Putri. Dia kaget melihat sang Putri terbaring.
Pangeran :”Kenapa Putri terbaring ? dan mengapa kalian menangis ?”
Kurcaci 3 :”Putri meninggal, Pangeran.”
Pangeran :”Apa ? Putri meninggal ?”(lalu pangeran mencium sang Putri
                    Sambil menangis).
          Lalu sang Putri membuka matanya pelan-pelan dan bangun. Ia pun tersenyum saat melihat Pangeran ada di depannya.
Pangeran :”Putri…!!”
Putri :”Pangeran…!!”
          Sementara itu, di istana, sang Ratu bertanya kepada cermin ajaib.
Ratu :”Wahai cermin ajaib, siapakah yang oaling cantik di dunia ini ?”
Cermin ajaib :”Yang paling cantik di dunia ini hanyalah Putri Salju.”
Ratu :”Apa ? masih Putri Salju ? dia itu sudah meninggal.”
Cermin ajaib :”Tidak, Putri tidak meninggal. Dia hidup bahagia bersama
Ratu :”Dasar cermin bodoh…!! (Ratu melempar cermin).
          Cermin pun marah, lalu ia menyihir sang Ratu sehingga sang Ratu masuk ke dalam cermin untuk selama-lamanya.


In a kingdom there is a very beautiful lady, she lived with the Queen, that her stepmother. Because the beauty of the princess, the queen is jealous of the Princess's beauty, he also did a variety of ways so that he can beat the beauty of the princess's beautiful. He always asked the magic mirror who is the most beautiful in the world.
Queen: "O magic mirror ....!! Who is most beautiful in the world? "
Magic Mirror: "The beauty in this world is Snow White."
Queen: "What ...? Snow White? I have to get rid of Snow White.
Guards .....! Guards ....! "
Guards: "I was facing, the Queen."
Queen: "Kill Snow White!"
Guards: "But the Queen. I can’t do that, how
                     I might kill the princess. "
Queen: "Quick to do! Or I kill you! "
Guards: "Well, the Queen. I perform. "
Then the guards took the princess to the forest. But he did not have the heart to kill the Princess.
Guards: "Lady, I was told to kill the Queen, but I do not have the heart to kill you. Now you'd better go away from the palace. "
Daughter: "Well! Thank you because you did not kill me! "
Then the daughter went away to a forest. In the forest, he found a small hut, and he entered the shed. He felt strange seeing stuff in there are small. After some time, came the occupants of the house, they are the dwarves.
Dwarf 1: "Huh ..? That's who ...? Huge ...! "
Dwarves 2: "I do not know."
Dwarf 3: "Rather, we approach him."
Dwarf 1: "Who are you?"
Princess: "I was Snow White, you have a house? Sorry because I
             boldly go. "
Dwarves 2: "Why are you biased here?"
Princess: "I went from the palace because I wanted to be killed by the Queen, because
             Beauty queen would envy. "
Dwarf 3: "Well, bear all."
Princess: "Can I stay here?"
Dwarves 2: "Of course it can."
Meanwhile, the Queen asked the magic mirror as usual. He thought that he was the most beautiful, because he thinks that Snow White was dead killed by the guards that he was told.
Queen: "O magic mirror ..! Who is the most beautiful in the world? "
Magic mirror: "The beauty in this world is Snow White."
Queen: "What ...? Still Snow White? I though he was killed. I
             must do something. "
Queen immediately took the apple and the apple he gave the poison to be given to Snow White Snow White to die. And the Queen transformed himself into an old woman so as to give the apple, Snow White did not recognize it. Queen was soon to go into the woods to find Snow White. After a while he was searching, he finally found a Snow White who is engrossed in our hut swept the dwarves.
Queen: "My boy, my grandson grandmother's apple try this. It was certainly very sweet like you. "
Snow White: "Sorry grandma. But I'm full. "
Queen: "Come on, my grandson, try a little bit."
Feeling sorry for the old grandmother, Snow received a direct apples and eat them.
Snow White: "Well grandma, I'll taste it."
Snow White's sudden death and lying on the floor.
Queen: "Haha ....... Eventually I was the most beautiful in the world. "
Then the queen went back to the palace. When the dwarfs came home, they were shocked to see the princess lying on the floor. They burst into tears when he knew the princess was dead. Soon the Prince of dating to find the princess. He was surprised to see the Princess lay.
Prince: "Why Women lie? and why do you weep? "
Dwarf 3: "Princess died, Prince."
Prince: "What? Princess die? "(Then prince kissed the princess
                    While crying).
Then the Princess opened her eyes and wake up slowly. She smiled when she saw Prince in front of him.
Prince: "Women ...!"
Princess: "Prince ...!"
Meanwhile, in the palace, the queen asked the magic mirror.
Queen: "O magic mirror, who most beautiful in this world?"
Magic mirror: "The most beautiful in this world is Snow White."
Queen: "What? Snow still? he was already dead. "
Magic mirror: "No, not dead lady. He lived happily together
                          Prince. "
Queen: "You stupid ... mirror! (Queen throws a mirror).
The mirror was angry, and he conjured the queen to the Queen's entrance into the mirror forever.


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